Jolly Phonics

                       Angličtina pro nejmenší.

  •  Výuka angličtiny pro děti od 4 let. 
  • Hravě a s příběhem. 
  • Učení s pohybem.
  • Metoda usnadňuje rozdíl mezi čtením a psaním v angličtině.

Více o kurzech a aktuální informace na

A programme that grows with your children

Our flagship programme, Jolly Phonics, teaches children to read and write using synthetic phonics, which is widely recognised as the most effective way to teach children to read and write in English. That was over 25 years ago. Since then our immense progress has been studied in numerous research projects, the results of which led to phonics becoming central to the UK curriculum. Today we are now used in over 100 countries worldwide. As the leading synthetic phonics publisher, and the most experienced, we offer a 7-year school programme that teaches not only phonics, but spelling, punctuation and grammar too.

  • Systematic teaching of phonics, grammar, spelling and punctuation across the school years
  • Teaching is multi-sensory and active, with fun actions, stories and songs
  • Independent research supports the outstanding results achieved around the world with the programme
  • Continues to revise and extend children's phonic knowledge
  • Flexible and easy to implement in your school
  • Developed by teachers for teachers
JKC Brána © Všechna práva vyhrazena 2021
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